Mental Health Support in the Workplace
Why should I care about my employees mental health?
Poor mental health is costing UK employers around £30 billion per year, every year. It's not just staff members taking time off sick, it's people coming into work when they aren't at their best.
Over the last few years there has been a lot of research into improving mental wellbeing of staff. These figures show why poor mental health is costing business so much money.
- 48% find it hard to multitask
- 85% find it difficult to concentrate
- 64% find it takes longer to do tasks
- 37% of sufferers in conflict with colleagues
- 48% less patient with customers
It's not just the level of how they function that is lower, but the fact that there could be conflict in the workplace.
Even worse your reputation could be damaged by an employee who hasn't got the patience to deal with your customers.
Call 0191 466 1314 to arrange an appointment. Alternatively, email info@necounselling.org.uk or contact us using the button below.
We want to get you the right help as quickly as possible, and to make this help as affordable as we can. Waiting for months to see a therapist can often make the situation worse so we aim to get you in for your first appointment WITHIN ONE WEEK of hearing from you.
Does it have to be the company doing the support?
Research has shown that staff are more likely to stay in work or take less time off if they feel they are supported. It's also important to remember that experiencing mental health problems is not a sign of weakness or inability to cope.
What kind of support can I offer?
- Ensure you have a health strategy which covers mental health
- Educate your managers so they feel comfortable talking to people about their mental health.
- Identify the right support for your organisation - NECS can provide professional mental health services
- Circulate our free resources to help you support your staff.
Do I need to pay for counselling for my staff?
We know that every company is working to a different budget. Some organisations can afford to provide counselling for staff and family members and others struggle from week to week to keep their finances in check.
If you have an employee who is struggling with their mental health, it is good to signpost them to their GP. However, it's worth knowing though that the Talking Therapies they access via their GP is not counselling. The waiting lists for this service vary from area to area, but your employees might be waiting from 1 month to 18 months for support. NECS can provide first appointments within a week. This means that your staff member get the support they need, when they need it. Some companies fund a maximum of 6 counselling sessions (total cost £300 + VAT) and some will pay the invoices and then operate a salary sacrifice scheme to all their staff to pay over a period of time. Even if your staff member is having problems in their relationship, or their child is suffering we can offer support at the same price for couples and children.
How do I refer my staff member for counselling?
- Complete the form on our website for your employee
- In the comments section ensure you let us know who to send invoices to and how many sessions you are willing to fund for your employee
- Also let us know who to contact if we need to ask for more sessions to be sanctioned
- We will contact your staff member to arrange their first appointment
- We’ll then match them to the counsellor who best fits your needs for your sessions going forward.
- We'll invoice you every month for the sessions your employee has attended (or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice)
- We will never disclose the content of the sessions unless we feel that your employee is in danger or would be dangerous to other people
Support for staff in stressful roles
NECS has been providing supervision to people who work in stressful environments. We work with teachers, community workers, carers, call centre staff and managers. We offer supervision to groups of staff which allows them to develop an effective peer support network. We provide a clinical supervisor to ensure that everyone is working safely and protecting their mental health. This is a cost effective way to provide mental health support to staff.
What about a crisis?
We've got a large number of counsellors who can provide support to your team in the event of a crisis. We've worked with organisations where a death at work has occurred or an accident. We'll work with you to ensure we are giving your organisation the right support for everyone.
Why should I trust NECS?
NECS has been around since 2006. We provide around 1000 counselling sessions per year to employees at present. Annually we provide around 10,000 sessions of counselling to 1,500 people across the North East. Every counsellor who provides support under the NECS name has been interviewed and DBS checked to ensure we always provide a high quality of counselling. With NECS you are in safe hands.
NECS Works for you
We’re here to help you deal with the people problems that consume your time, 92% of our customers say we’ve helped them. Invest in your people, nurture your talent and build a thriving business with our bespoke solutions. For a free consultation call NECS Works, we cover businesses and organisations based in and around Gateshead, Newcastle, South Tyneside, North Tyneside, Sunderland and Durham.
NECS Works – 98% of customers recommend us. A proven authority on people problems we offer an exclusive service to business owners and staff. We deliver employee counselling, staff facilitation, mental health training, well-being workshops, group work, staff and manager supervision and coaching. We have a diverse spectrum of qualified professionals ready to help address whatever issues are affecting your workforce productivity including stress, depression, bereavement.
Case Studies: How we are helping company owners and employees
NECS Works can provide employee counselling both at your workplace or off site at our office based in Gateshead. NECS Works provide a unique matching service ensuring management and staff are allocated with the right counsellor, with the right skills and experience to help them with their issues in a professional and confidential way. We offer a broad range of counselling practitioners to help tackle all types of symptoms including anxiety, stress, depression for example.
FREE Resources for you
NECS has some great FREE free resources which can help you in between sessions, or if you don't want to come for counselling and you just need some ideas of things that can help.