Latest News from NECS

There's lots of information published about mental health.  How do you sift through this information and make sense of it?  Here we've taken some of the latest information and tried to make it easy to understand.  We gather lots of information from our clients and it allows us a great understanding into what is happening in the real world.

Back to school anxiety

The impact of Covid-19 Children and young people have had a really tough 18 months.  Lots of them have missed […]

When is the best time to access counselling?

Why is the timing important when accessing counselling. You might be experiencing problems and wondering when you should ask for […]

A big thank you to Asda at Gateshead Metrocentre

NECS provide counselling to thousands of children and young people aged 4-11. Each counselling session is tailored to the child […]

Relationship breakdown and children

Will separation have a negative impact on my children? It’s commonly accepted that divorce or separation has a negative impact […]

Improving your child’s mental health outcomes

And it’s certainly borne out by the children and young people who access counselling with us today.  Even a large […]

How to help boys who are angry

It’s generally accepted that young boys are angry.  We see it all of the time on the TV.  But is […]

5 simple ways to reduce your stress levels

And the problem is vast – 74% of us have felt an overwhelming level of stress according to research from […]

Off to university?

What’s happening in the world of mental health? Off to university? Don’t forget to look after your mental health Starting […]

18th October 2021 – World Menopause Awareness Day

  Why does the menopause get so much attention in the media?  It’s got it’s own day on 18th October […]

Are you dreading your child starting school?

Are you dreading your child starting school? If you are a stay at home parent, you may be dreading the […]

What’s your love language?

What is a love language? According to author Dr Gary Chapman there are five love languages.  You can find out […]

Is anger affecting your relationship?

We love the work that Dr Gary Chapman does around relationships and how to improve them.  If you haven’t looked […]

Early intervention and children’s mental health

NECS were delighted to read about this study carried out by our colleagues at Place2Be.  They have carried out some […]

10 quotes to help you understand depression

In England, one in six people report experiencing a common mental health problem (including depression) in any given week according […]

Circular discussions

There are times when we feel as though we’re stuck in a loop when we talk to someone. We keep […]

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is your estimate of your own self-worth. It’s the confidence you have in yourself and your own abilities and […]

How to improve your child’s low self-esteem

Where does low self-esteem come from? You might be shocked that your child has low self-esteem.  To understand where the […]

Counsellors in primary schools

Counsellors who work in schools know how valuable their work is.  They see young people at a time when things […]

What’s spaghetti got to do with my mental health?

How do you see your mental health problems? For me, I visualise my brain as a pan of spaghetti when […]

What’s the difference between anxiety and depression?

With one in four adults in the UK experiencing a mental health condition each year, we’re beginning to come across […]

5 ways to bring more calm into your life

  A major part of anxiety is worrying – negative thoughts and emotions running through your mind relentlessly, with seemingly […]

We are recruiting! Community Link Workers – Counselling specialist (Gateshead based)

North East Counselling Services was founded in July 2006 by carers as a result of personal experience. Incorporated as a […]

Are my employees families really my responsibility?

What’s happening in the world of mental health? Are my employees families really my responsibility? A resilience survey carried out […]

Are you facing an empty nest?

What’s happening in the world of mental health? Have you got an empty nest? Have you dropped your last child […]

New Years Resolutions – yes or no?

So, we’ve made it to the end of another difficult year.  The new year brings with it vows to make […]

Change and me

How do I react to change? For example, we might react to change by trying to block out difficult feelings […]

The double edged sword of mental health awareness

He is stating that around 50% of children claim they have a mental health problem.  He’s also stating that they […]

Why am I not happy with my life?

Sometimes we feel unhappy and have no idea why. It can leave you feeling like you have a hole in […]

9th to 15th October – Baby loss awareness week

One of our counsellors, Becky, has brought our attention to this awareness week.  It’s something we are delighted to share […]

4 tips for dealing with money worries in your relationship

It might not come as a surprise to you that, according to a recent study by the legal firm Slater […]

What can I expect from counselling?

We want you to understand what might happen to make you feel a bit more relaxed about getting the support […]

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